HaxiTAG EiKM - Revolutionizing Enterprise Intelligence

HaxiTAG EiKM: Revolutionizing Enterprise Intelligence

Empowering organizations with AI-driven knowledge management to transform data into actionable insights

Start Your Intelligent Journey

Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Knowledge

HaxiTAG Enterprise Intelligence Knowledge Management (EiKM) is a cutting-edge system that creates Privatized Knowledge Brains tailored for every innovator within your organization. By leveraging enterprise private data, industry-shared information, and public media sources, EiKM builds comprehensive knowledge ecosystems and decision-making engines that drive innovation and informed decision-making.

Key Components

Privatization Knowledge Computing Engines

Advanced algorithms securely analyze and process enterprise private data, creating personalized knowledge brains while maintaining data integrity.

Enterprise Private Data Integration

Seamlessly integrates and analyzes data from various internal sources to generate insights and facilitate informed decision-making.

Industry Shared Data Collaboration

Leverages industry insights and best practices to enhance knowledge quality and keep innovators ahead of market trends.

Innovative Features


Text Comprehension

Our Yueli knowledge computing engine provides comprehensive information classification, topic application, and semantic computing services.

  • Keyword extraction and entity recognition
  • Automated summary generation
  • Semantic label and knowledge graph creation

Video Content Analysis

Enhance your media strategy with our advanced video understanding and semantic analysis services.

  • Video semantic tagging
  • Key frame extraction
  • Automated video summarization
  • #Hashtag and theme suggestions

Task Knowledge Modelling

Efficiently build domain knowledge maps for your enterprise content and data.

  • Secure knowledge asset sharing
  • Privacy protection for sensitive information
  • Visual representation of knowledge relationships

Intelligent Decision-Making

Combining Agentic for repetitive human-controlled instrumentation.

  • Automated Process Configuration and Management
  • Flexible programming definitions and modeling APIs
  • Knowledge model fine-tuning closely combined with industry scenarios

Benefits for Your Enterprise

Enhanced Decision-Making

Empower your team with comprehensive knowledge brains, enabling informed decisions based on real-time insights and industry trends.

Improved Innovation

Foster a culture of innovation by providing access to a wealth of internal and external knowledge resources, driving continuous improvement.


Data Privacy & Security

Our privatization knowledge computing engines ensure the security and confidentiality of your enterprise data, mitigating risks associated with data breaches.

Success Stories

Global FinTech Leader

"EiKM has transformed how we innovate, cutting our R&D time by 40% and significantly boosting our competitive edge."

- CTO, Top 20 FinTech Company

Leading Healthcare Network

"The insights provided by EiKM have led to breakthroughs in patient care protocols, improving outcomes by 25%."

- CEO, Online Healthcare Service and Knowledge Provider

Malaysia Manufacturing Firm

"EiKM has revolutionized our production processes. We've seen a 30% increase in efficiency and a 20% reduction in downtime."

- CIO, Multinational Manufacturing Corporation

Transforming Industries

EiKM is not just a tool; it's a game-changer across various sectors. Here's how different industries are leveraging EiKM to drive innovation and efficiency:

Turn your employees into experts on day one: Maximize employee potential so that even new hires can make informed decisions from their first day.
Transform your data into a productive asset: Fully leverage corporate data by converting it into a key factor that drives business growth.

Investment and Financing

  • Investment background checks
  • Industry analysis and market research
  • Dynamic tracking and evaluation

Energy Intelligence

  • Knowledge base for wind, solar, and ultra-high voltage power
  • Equipment supply chain management
  • Intelligent maintenance, inspection, and diagnostics
  • Smart energy station operation assistant


  • Accelerated drug discovery processes
  • Personalized treatment plan optimization
  • Enhanced medical research collaboration

Finance compliance and risk control

  • Advanced risk assessment models
  • Real-time market trend analysis
  • Automated regulatory compliance checks


  • Predictive maintenance optimization
  • Supply chain intelligence
  • Quality control process enhancement

Consulting Tanks

  • Low-complexity introduction of large-scale big data
  • Intelligent data analysis
  • Assisted human modeling

The HaxiTAG EiKM Advantage

What sets HaxiTAG EiKM apart is our commitment to creating a truly intelligent enterprise ecosystem. Our system doesn't just manage information—it transforms it into actionable knowledge, driving innovation and competitive advantage.

AI-Powered Insights

Our advanced algorithms don't just process data; they understand context, identify patterns, and generate insights that human analysts might miss.

Seamless Integration

EiKM integrates smoothly with your existing systems, enhancing rather than disrupting your current workflows.

Scalable Solution

Whether you're a growing startup or a global enterprise, EiKM scales to meet your needs, growing with your organization.

Ready to Transform Your Enterprise?

Join the ranks of innovative organizations harnessing the power of AI-driven knowledge management. Start your EiKM journey today and unlock the full potential of your enterprise intelligence.

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